Archive for November, 2007

Suzy’s Coaching Model

Listen and Connect

 I actively listen to you, connect with you and establish a realationship as two equals based on mutual trust, respect and freedom of expression. I’d like to get to know you and I’ll ask you to  tell me what your life is like. What roles are you commited to? What are your passions? What are your expectations of a coach?

What would you like to focus on? Is it a goal, a problem, too much stress, an idea, a conflict, an opportunity, a relationship issue, a transition?

My goal is to empower you to make positive changes in your life based on your values in an atmosphere of openness, communication, appreciation, fairness, and shared commitment.

Plan and Collaborate

I’ll ask provocative questions:

Where are you now and where would you like to be? What emotions are driving you?   What are your strengths? How commited to change are you?

We’ll brainstorm possibilities, talk about your wants and needs, clarify your values, focus on passion and purpose, and define possible obstacles to your goals.

We’ll work together to create an environment for change and a strategic action plan to support you and move you forward.

I’ll motivate and challenge you to think big.

 Take Action

 Take the first steps and create some momentum. If you slow down, start resisting, or get stuck along the way, we’ll check for any limiting beliefs that may be controlling you. You’ll have 2 choices: change the belief that’s holding you back from achieving your goal, or accept it, own it, and decide to work on something else.

I’ll be honest with you. I’ll help you overcome your fears and stay in motion. I’ll acknowlege you often, because change is not always easy.


Evaluate Effectiveness


Reflection and self-assessment.

We’ll look at what’s working and what’s not, and adjust your action plan.  We’ll celebrate your progress. 

When someone is feeling stuck, it’s fear.

Tonight I learned in the “Moving Forward” class that it’s important to create a safe place for a person when they feel “stuck”. Whether they are sabotoging themselves or just feeling like they’re not moving forward; by creating a safe space for them, they can explore their fears. It might be a little bit like the deer looking into the headlights and freezing. When we get nearer to our goals, we get scared, stop moving forward and freeze. That’s when it’s important to explore the underlying beliefs that are causing our fears. When we change the way we are thinking and stop scaring ourselves, we can re-group, re-focus and continue moving toward our goals.

Back in Germany

Well, tomorrow is my official first day back at work. I actually worked on Friday, but that doesn’t count. I’m just pretending it didn’t happen. I actually wish I had another day, but then again, I’m probably just being greedy.
I went to the ICF Coaching Conference in Long Beach California last week which was fun. I got to meet some of the teachers from ICA (Merci Meglino, Karen Cappello, Jamie Tenzer, Joanne Waldman, Sheri Boone, Bronwyn Ireland and Bill Turpin) as well as some other ICA students, which was a kick.
Unfortunately I got sick on Saturday with the stomach flu. It was a nasty bug. I wonder if anyone else at the convention got sick…
I tried to change my flight back to Germany but because I had bought the cheapest flight, it would have cost too much to change it. I have spent the last week recovering and now I feel ready to take on the challenge of ICA again.
I’ve just spent my Sunday trying to get a one page Website up with no luck. I bought the new iWeb 08 for Mac in L.A. thinking I could just do a beginner website by myself and upload it to my host website, but I can’t seem to get the files uploaded. I can’t figure out the problem. It’s late now and I’m frustrated. I would call support, but I have to wake up so early tomorrow I’d better just through in the towel and hit the sack.

November 2007

Self-Help Sites I love

Helpful Sites for Expats


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